Friday, September 28, 2012

Tylor F. my dad

 My dad was the one who got me into sports. He helped me play my sports. He taught me what he could and to his limits and thats what I think of the most. He helped me swing my bat and helped me put on my pads. He helped me figure out my problems that I had. He has been my teacher so far, and that is what I appreciate the most.

He helps me with my homework when I can't figure it out. He is outstanding and is always helping out.
Even thou he is rarely home to help out. He is an amazing dad. He teaches me everything I know. He is constantly trying to make me better than he was in school. He the one I look up to the most. He is the best one of all.


  1. I like the part about him trying to make you better than he was in school.

  2. i like how you said he helped me swing my bat and helped me put on my pads..
