Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Research Project- Nikole Coats

I decided to research open adoption. I  chose this topic because my little sister went through and open adoption, and I always thought it was and interesting topic, and I love little kids. I am still debating on what I will choose for the four projects.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bio Terrorism

I chose Bio Terrorism because people think it could happen in there life time.  They made a show called doomsday preppers and they prepare for these types of things. terrorism has happened quite a bit in the last 20 years.

My Research Topic

My research topic is the history of music playing devices. I want to do this topic because I have an interest in these devices. I also have many different ones at my house and want to learn more about them. Plus I have a cool idea for the box/envelope to hold my information.
         From group 1 I'm doing a newspaper/magazine article.
         From group 2 I am doing baseball cards.
         From group 3 I'm doing pictures I draw or if that is too hard a collage.
         From group 4 I am doing crot.

JFK assassination

I have chose the conspiracy of the John F. Kennedy assassination. I am doing this because I Find this topic interesting. I am doing the following topics:
1. obituary
2. Timeline
3. Photographs you take
4. Descriptive paragraph
                                           - Jake Demuth



I want to research M&M's. I want to research M&M's because I like M&M's and I always wanted to know more about them. Now they are making new kinds of M&M's. M&M's are a great treat. I plan on doing the following topics.
1. Letter
2. Timeline
3. Graph
4. Crot
                                                                     - Trent Kuethe

Michael Jordan

 I chose Michael Jordan because he was the if not one of the best NBA player who ever played. I think that this topic is going to be really exciting to research.

My Research Topic is Mermaids

I am interested in this topic because I watched a documentary on mermaids talking about the history of why they may be real and what the government is keeping from us. It also interest me because I've always wanted to be a mermaid.

Group 1: newspaper article
Group 2: Poster
Group 3: collage
Group 4: Poem

Tylor Fairbanks Chemical Warfare WWI

Chemical Warfare of WWI

I want to research this because I am interested in warfare. Chemical Warfare started During WWI and is still used today. I also wanted to learn how chemical warfare started and how they were used. The four topics that I chose were #1) News Paper/Magazine Article #2) Comic Strip #3) Pictures you draw #4) Character sketch.

Nicole Toppin- Walt Disney

I chose to do Walt Disney for my research topic because I don't know a lot about Walt Disney, and I would like to know more about him since I've been to Disney World three times. The four projects I will be doing for this research project are a magazine interview, a poster with pictures and words, a collage, and a crot.

Isabella Sade Autism Awareness

I would like to research this topic because I don't know a lot about it, and I don't think a lot of other people know about it either. I am very curios about this topic. There is different types of autism. For my different projects I am going to do from group 1 I am going to do a newspaper article. From group 2 I am going to do an informational brochure. Group 3 I am going to do a collage, and from group 4 I am going to do a crot.

Amery Bruce: Chernobyl.

My topic is the Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine. I picked this topic because I am interested in it.

I am doing these things from each group:
Group 1- Newspaper article
Group 2- Informational brochure
Group 3- Collage
Group 4- Crot (Wordle)

My research project

I will be doing the history of Nike Inc. It has interested me for almost my entire life. I will be doing a speech, "baseball" cards, collage, and song lyrics.

Animal Cloning

I chose the cloning of animals because I find it interesting how cloning  it is done and how it is used.

Group 1: Lab notes
Group 2: Comic strip
Group 3: Chart (who would drink cloned cow milk)
Group 4: Short story


I chose to do the Illuminati because it is freaky, but wired.  I want to know everything about it.
The genre ideas i am going to do are speech, "baseball" cards, descriptive paragraphs, and pictures

Gun control

I chose gun control because  I think this is a huge topic nowadays. There is so much diversity going on between the two sides.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Self Harm

I've decided to write my research paper on self harm, because I believe self harm is overlooked. Many people don't often see the danger associated with self harm. 
Brendan Klostermann
Chemical Warfare

I wanted to research chemical warfare because it interests me. I want to know more about the topic. And I don't think it has been done before.
Group1: newspaper article
Group2: poster
Group3: collage
Group4: descriptive paragraph